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How to Activate a Tarot Deck

Tarot decks are popular tools for divination and self-reflection. While some may believe that a tarot deck is simply a deck of cards, others believe that it holds spiritual energy that can be activated and harnessed for readings. In this article, we will explore the process of activating a tarot deck and how it can benefit your readings.

What is a tarot deck?

A tarot deck is a deck of 78 cards that are divided into two categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards that represent significant life events and archetypes, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that represent everyday events and experiences. Each card holds a unique meaning and can be interpreted in various ways depending on the individual reader.

Why activate a tarot deck?

Activating a tarot deck is believed to awaken its spiritual energy, making it more receptive to the reader’s intuition and enhancing the accuracy of readings. Without activation, a tarot deck may feel flat and unresponsive, leading to inaccurate or confusing readings. Activating a tarot deck is an important step in connecting with its energy and unlocking its full potential.

How to activate a deck?

The process of activating a tarot deck involves three key steps: cleansing, charging, and connecting.

Cleansing the tarot deck

The first step in activating a tarot deck is to cleanse it of any negative or stagnant energy. This can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Smudging with sage or palo santo
  • Placing the cards under running water
  • Leaving the cards in direct sunlight or moonlight
  • Placing the cards in a bag with cleansing crystals, such as clear quartz or amethyst

Choose a method that resonates with you and your personal beliefs. As you cleanse the cards, focus your intention on removing any unwanted energy and purifying the deck.

Charging the tarot deck

The next step in activating a tarot deck is to charge it with positive energy. This can be done by:

  • Holding the cards in your hands and visualizing them being filled with light and positive energy
  • Placing the cards on an altar or in a special box dedicated to your tarot practice
  • Leaving the cards in a bag with charging crystals, such as citrine or carnelian

Again, choose a method that feels right for you and your practice. As you charge the cards, focus your intention on infusing them with positive energy and setting the stage for accurate and insightful readings.

A person holding tarot cards in their hands to activate a tarot deck

Connecting with the tarot deck

The final step in activating a tarot deck is to connect with its energy. This can be done in a variety of ways, including:

  • Shuffling the cards while focusing on your intention for the reading
  • Meditating with the cards and asking them to reveal their energy to you
  • Sleeping with the cards under your pillow to establish a deeper connection

As you connect with the tarot deck, focus your intention on building a relationship with its energy and opening yourself up to its insights and messages.

How often should you activate your tarot deck?

There is no hard and fast rule for how often you should activate your tarot deck. Some readers activate their deck before every reading, while others do it only when they feel that the deck’s energy needs a boost. It ultimately depends on your personal practice and relationship with your deck. However, it is generally recommended to cleanse and charge your deck regularly to maintain its energy and accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I activate a secondhand or used tarot deck?

A: Yes, you can activate a secondhand or used tarot deck. However, it is recommended to cleanse and charge the deck before using it to remove any residual energy from the previous owner.

Q: Can I activate a tarot deck that has been inactive for a long time?

A: Yes, you can activate a deck that has been inactive for a long time. However, it is recommended to cleanse and charge the deck before using it to remove any stagnant energy and refresh its energy.

Q: Can I use a tarot deck that has not been activated?

A: Yes, you can use a tarot deck that has not been activated. However, it may not be as receptive to your intuition and may lead to inaccurate or confusing readings. Activating the deck can help enhance its energy and accuracy.

Q: Is it necessary to activate a tarot deck?

A: It is not necessary to activate a deck, but it can help enhance its energy and accuracy. It ultimately depends on your personal practice and beliefs.

Q: Can I activate my tarot deck without any tools?

A: Yes, you can activate your tarot deck without any tools. You can simply hold the deck in your hands and focus your intention on cleansing, charging, and connecting with its energy.


Activating a tarot deck is an important step in connecting with its spiritual energy and unlocking its full potential. By following the steps of cleansing, charging, and connecting, you can enhance the accuracy of your readings and establish a deeper relationship with your deck. Remember to choose methods that resonate with you and your personal practice, and to regularly cleanse and charge your deck to maintain its energy.

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