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Cleanse Your Tarot Cards For The Most Accurate Readings

Cleansing tarot cards is an essential step that improves the results of tarot reading before you make a new tarot card reading or when you purchase a new deck of tarots.

In fact, tarot card cleansing is a vital practice after borrowing and retrieving cards to someone else.

Performing a protection ritual for tarot cards is also great for cleaning up the different energies that may be on it.

Because tarot cards have energy just like humans. Just as you shower regularly, brush your teeth every day, change your socks and clothes, you should also clean and protect them.

I believe they do deserve we talk a bit about how to cleanse them. They are a part of you, aren’t they? Then, how do you cleanse and charge a Tarot deck and what is the best way to cleanse your tarot cards?

How do you cleanse and charge a Tarot deck?

These are the best cleansing methods for tarot cards

–         Cleansing your tarot deck with moonlight

As we are just in the full moon day, first thing you should do is the full moon bath. You can also do just a regular any moon phase bath. Will work as well. But today is the best time to let go of old energy within ourselves and any items in our possession.

Therefore, the full moon is a perfect source to cleanse tarot cards. Before starting tarot reading, you need to clear and charge them.

·        Place your cards in your window or (if the weather allows it) outside in the moonlight.

·        It is preferable, if you can put the tarot cards down on ground, so they are touching the earth, as the moon is so strongly connected to it.

·        You can do the same with your crystals. And – again – don’t forget, that the Full Moon can also be used for charging tarot cards.

·        This involves wrapping them in a secure cloth bag (you can use mine) and sleeping with them under your pillow for three nights starting with the next Full Moon.

–         Knock knock method for tarot card cleansing

  1. Take your tarot cards and fan them out in one hand.
  2. Gently start to blow on the cards.
  3. One breath will normally do.
  4. Now, make one neat pile of the cards and knock on top of the deck.

Now, your tarot card are cleansed. They are cleansed of old energy and ready for their next tarot reading.

–         Tarot card cleansing with crystals

Clear quartz is a good choice for tarot card cleansing with crystals.

·        Put the crystal on top of your tarot deck when you’re not using it.It’s as simple as that!

·        You may also set your deck on or between crystals that draw out negative energies to cleanse tarot cards.

This is actually one of the most handy methods, as it’s simple and I love to work with crystals. Specially during the full moon! Who needs Netflix – I have the Full Moon, my Tarot deck and Crystals.

For tarot card cleansing you can also use Amethyst or Selenite. They have cleansing properties too. Your birthstone can also be a powerful tool for cleansing tarot card.

–         Tarot card cleansing with salt

Some readers use salt as a purifier. If you want to try out this method to cleanse tarot cards, first wrap your card tightly in a bag. Then take an airtight container with salt that is big enough for your cards.

·        Place your cards in the container and make sure they’re surrounded with salt on all sides.

·        And when I say all, I mean it everywhere. Just like a slice of bread when you put Nutella on it. Everywhere!

·        Leave the tarot cards in the container for few days.

·        If you are going to use this method, try to put cards in one of my cloth bags to protect them.

·        It is really easy to damage them, specially now during the humid months.

–         Smell of nature to cleanse tarot cards

You can also use local cleansing herbs to cleanse tarot cards. Dried sage, Palo Santo … Naah, I know, not local. But you can also use local sourced herbs, like rosemary and lavender. Burning any of the herbs, you can pass your deck through the smoke to clear and cleanse it of past energies.

Cleanse tarot cards with sage also works well too.. Smudge stick may also help you. You can use this method to charge tarot deck. Bay leaves are useful herb when it comes to divination, they’re meant to essentially ward off evil. Bookend your cards with the bay leaves and they should be safe from all the Halloween monsters who made you sage your whole house.

–         Singing bowls and tarot card cleansing

Tibetian singing bowls means sound cleansing decks.

These healing basins can help you strengthen your chakras, and improve your physical health. You can use them to cleanse tarot cards by placing my deck in the singing bowl, while playing it. It may disturb your cat, or just attract handsome neighbour. Your cards will love to hear this voice!

–         Meditate and charging tarot cards

Without tools, cleansing and charging the tarot cards can be as simple as a prayer or visualization to erase any past energetic connection to the cards. Visualize a white light around the cards as you hold them with both hands.

Meditate on them and visualize a wind blowing and that “clears away” any energies attached to your tarot cards. Next step is to visualize you are going deeper into the energy of the card deck and pulling away any imperfect, dense, heavy, or negative energies. You can try visualizing a deep scrubbing or deep cleaning.

I know, it is Full Moon fault, but still, try not to forget how to do it. It is really necessary to clear the energies and recharge your cards just as you need to clear and recharge your phone, headphones, computer, or even a power bank.

Before starting cleanse your cards keep this in mind: The Sun sees your body. The Moon sees your soul. 

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