After you have purchased a deck, the first thing to do is to familiarize yourself with the cards. Establishing a relationship with the cards is important, but it can be so intimidating because it is a deck of 78 cards and they are all different. Luckily, you can use a tarot guidebook to help with that.
What exactly is a tarot guidebook?
A tarot guidebook features an introduction to reading tarot, the language of tarot, card descriptions for the full Major and Minor Arcana, and a full-page illustration for each card. They usually come with a tarot deck. They are there to help you learn more about each card's meaning, but the final interpretation will be up to you. Some guidebooks will also include popular tarot spreads.
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Where can I find a tarot guidebook?
Typically you will get a guidebook with some of the deck you buy. They come in the form of simple booklets that fit even in the smallest of pockets. Lately, you can also get a digital version so you can have a guidebook always with you on your smartphone. These are also a bit friendlier in regards to the environmental impact. If you are looking for a digital guidebook, you can download one here.
In the end, it's about your interpretation
Reading Tarot often means reading anything and everything we can get our hands on! From books and guidebooks to worksheets and blogs – as Tarot readers, we like to have a lot of information available. Every tarot deck comes with a guidebook to aid in interpretation. However, this practice isn’t about learning a correct meaning to the card or a single way to interpret the message. Use the guidebook and your own “intuitive muscle” and tap into how a particular card applies to different areas of your life.