Are you interested in tarot cards? Then, have you ever heard about yes or no tarot reading? In this article, we will talk about tarot reading with yes or no questions. When doing a tarot reading, it may not always be possible to get definitive answers, as a tarot card can have multiple meanings.
In such a case, yes or no tarot reading can help you!
If you need an answer or advice on something quickly, you can use a yes / no tarot reading. This yes / no tarot reading gives you simple and straightforward advice when you have a particular question to ask the tarot cards.
With the help of tarot readings, you can receive answers to clear questions quickly. Yes or No tarot readings is excellent for tarot reading beginners because they are so simple.
They involve a focused question and usually one to 3 cards yes or no tarot spread that represent the answer “yes,” “no,” or “maybe.” Tarot readers must learn these facts about real yes or no tarot reading. Learn more about tarot reading and yes or no tarot reading spread!
How to get the best answers with Yes or No tarot reading?
Yes or No tarot cards works well when you need an answer on something quickly! The question you design for this type of reading must be answered with a “yes” or a “no.” A Yes or No tarot reading can be especially helpful if you are making a decision in the near future.
Some people also use a Yes or No Tarot reading to determine a likely outcome for a specific upcoming situation.
Remember that no tarot card represents your absolute fate. When reading outcomes, think of the card as an indication of favorable or unfavorable conditions, not necessarily what will definitely happen.
Which are YES and which are NO cards in a Tarot deck?
In case you’re just starting out with a YES NO tarot reading keep it basic. If the Tarot card is upright, you’ve got a Yes. If it’s reversed, it’s a No. To use this technique, make sure your deck has a balanced mix of upright and reversed cards.
Always cut the deck, turn the cards 180 degrees from top to bottom, and then reshuffle. Repeat a few times to get an equal number of upright and reversed cards.
You can also go through your Tarot deck card by card and create a personal list of Yes, No, and Maybe cards for you. Place the cards you feel are more likely to mean Yes in one pile. In another pile, you’ll have your No cards. In a third pile, you’ll have your Maybe cards.
Write down your selection, so you don’t change your mind later when you draw the cards.
Yes Or No Tarot Reading Spread in 6 Easy Steps
These 6 easy steps can help you for yes or no tarot card spread:
1. Formulate your question and shuffle the tarot cards while focusing on the question.
2. When you’re ready, spread the cards facedown in a fan shape.
3. Now focus again on your question and pull a card. Place this card to the left.
4. Repeat the question (aloud or in your mind) and pull your second card. Place this card in the center.
5. Ask the question one more time, pull the third card and place this card to the right.
6. Turn over the card and determine if they are “yes”, “no”, or “maybe” cards.
What about yes or no tarot answers?
- Three times a “yes” card obviously means a “yes”.
- If you’ve got two “yes” cards in your yes or no tarot reading, the outcome will most likely be positive.
If you’ve pulled a mix of “no” and “maybe” cards, the answer to your question is no. In case three cards are not enough you could increase this spread to five or seven cards.
Make sure that it’s not an even number of cards as you then might not get a clear answer.
Some additional clarification about yes or no tarot reading:
If you have yes or no questions to ask, tarot reading works well when you need an answer on something quickly. You should also learn more about yes or no tarot meanings…
After your Yes or No tarot reading, there are some things you can do like pulling a second card for clarification and off course reflect on your reading. think of the card as additional information to shed light on the source of uncertainty or guide action you can take to resolve a problem. Be wary of the temptation to pull too many tarot cards for more information. Before long, you could end up with the entire deck!
Don’t Forget To Reflect On Your Tarot Readings
For the biggest impact in your life, reflect on your reading by journaling, meditating, or discussing with trusted friends. This can help you see blind spots in your interpretation. It can also help you refine your question to address the more important issue.
You can also read: What is a Tarot guidebook and where to buy it?
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